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Oh, "Why am I back at blogging" I hear you ask.... I just need a place to get rid of excess time so HERE I AM....blog...blog...blog...about everything from everyday lives, off and on thoughts, silly events happening around, book reviews, movie reviews...basically everything that envelopes around my everyday living!

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Designerluxurybrands.com is a big fat SCAM

A while ago, I saw this at Dawn Yang's site. Yesss...the ad above her banner. Designerluxurybrands.com

Mmmmm.....designer bags like Gucci & LV at dirt cheap price? Not really cheap lar....but its more than half the retail price outside. And what's more tempting is that the site guarantees the authenticity of the item...

Ok, frankly speaking, I don't carry any designer bag. I don't even own one. Simply because I think I am lousy at maintaining it. What I do with my bags is that I tend to just chuck them on the floor when I get home or say when I'm at the fitting room and there isn't space to hang it....I don't like to always have to be careful with my bag's outlook. Plus....I am super duper fickled minded. I will buy this bag thinking I'm gonna use it a lifetime but couple of months down the road....I have the tendency to wanna buy another one. Best is to stick with some unbranded bags....Plus....internet shopping for designer brands? Esp at some independent site....recipe for disaster. 99% of the time, the item is fake.

But the ad still caught my attention. WAHHHHH.....sooo good bargain??? Where to find? And frankly speaking, if I bump into this link in other blogs or some unknown site/blog, I wouldn't even consider looking at it. But because it's Dawn Yang....such famous blogger. So the trustworthy level went up.

So I showed the site to this bestie of mine....asking about her opinion. She buys designer bags but always only get them in the store....never online. Not even ebay.

Browse browse browse.....she remained skeptical about it. Where got soooo goood bargain ar? And the best bet is to not take chance. Never buy online. Only buy at store. Not only a guaranteed peace of mind and it means more....

You can go around telling people I got this IPhone for half its price and people will oooo and wahhhhhh for a long time and then hassle you to tell them where you got that deal from.

But if you go around telling someone you bought a new Gucci handbag for half its price, the next question you will get is: Fake one ar? Or how sure are you it's real ar?

Yesss....agreed. So I close off the browser and never ever think about it again....

Until today when I read Timothy's blog and realise a reader had write in about that site....and guess what? It's a big fat SCAM!

Apparently, they tend to make you feel as if they offer the best customer service ever by adding you in MSN and all the quick and fast response. Then when you decide on the item you want, they will ask you to transfer money into their account. And then happily wait....wait....and wait....1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days 5 days...and the count goes on.....

Then you try to contact them via email, they don't give a shit. You try to hunt them down via MSN...they block u off. You open a new account in MSN and add them, they will answer your queries. But once you reveal your identity, they will block you off again....

Pity Sharon, the conned reader who reported this to Timothy. She lost a whooping $900 because of this.

Moral of the story:

To buyers: Always be careful when shopping online for designer brands. And understand the concept that 99% of it is fake. Even sometimes when its guaranteed its authenticity. Fake bag manufacturers now can produce the fake bag up to 99.9999% real. Its flawless but regardless, its not from Gucci or LV. Might be the product of some dodgy factory at the back lane in China.

To bloggers: Be careful when approach by so called 'companies' to place add in your blog. You have to know that your readers trust the ad partially because they trust your judgement. Readers would have assumed you have met the seller or knows the seller's background well enough to place their ad in your heavy traffic blog. And it's partly your fault as well when the ad you place in your blog is a scam.

To myself: Lucky me. And I will stick to the principle of buying designer bags only at retail store. If cannot afford, must as well stick to some bag of cheaper brand.

To everyone else: Peace of mind is to only sign up to Nuffnang. And only place Nuffnang ad. =) Hahahahahahahah......such a big round to praise Nuffnang. But really, I have no single thing to complain about ever since I sign up with Nuffnang.....HONESTLY.

So girls out there....be careful of what you see in the internet. The truth is not always what you see!

1 remarks:

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