Whats in Boredom Breaker?

Oh, "Why am I back at blogging" I hear you ask.... I just need a place to get rid of excess time so HERE I AM....blog...blog...blog...about everything from everyday lives, off and on thoughts, silly events happening around, book reviews, movie reviews...basically everything that envelopes around my everyday living!

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I have took down posts I wrote about a recent incident at home. If you still wanna have a read, leave me a message and I'll see what I can do....




Now, what I mean here is excessive sleeping, sleeping that is not part of your neccesity which occurs usually in the evenings or afternoons or simply when you are bored with apparently 'nothing to do'

And I just googled 'excessive sleep' and guess what came up? Apparently there is a term for that:


or also known as,


Symptoms include tired due to lack or interrupted sleep at night, feeling compelled to naps during the day (often at inappropriate times like during meal), difficulty waking up from long sleeps, decreased energy, lethargic, restlessness and memory difficulty. An adult is considered to suffer from hypersomnia when he sleeps more than 10 hours a day on a regular basis for at least 2 weeks, or feels compelled to naps repeatedly during the day.

Besides it being a sickness, excessive sleeping also is devilish because:

  • You feel lethargic everyday, regardless of how many hours you sleep
  • You waste time sleeping when you should be doing something more progressive
  • Your sleeping pattern becomes so random, you tend to not be able to sleep at night when you should be. And you sleep when the day's fine and everyone's out enjoying.
  • You lose ability to function in the family, social, occupational and in other settings.

And it's super annoying when you wanna nap, you find 15489651 excuses to sleep like:

  • Oh, I've got nothing to do
  • I'm feeling tired
  • It's too hot/cold to go outside
  • Just had a meal so I need to 'lie down' for a while

Guess what, the first reason is the most annoying one. Simply because you have nothing to do? There's never a time when there is nothing to do. The laundry's ever piling, the floor needs constant sleeping and mopping, the oven needs cleaning, the carpet needs vacuuming, everywhere needs cleaning! Don't ever say you wanna sleep because you have nothing to do and then when people ask you why you have not done something, you simply reply because you haven't got the time to do so! Pathetic isn't it?

You can occasionally indulge a bit and sleep longer but it shouldn't happen for a period more than one week...ok lar....Wikipedia say, 2 weeks. Fine....2 weeks, anything more than that and you have to accept that you are suffering from HYPERSOMNIA!

And one more annoying scenario. You are in a yum cha session one weekend noon with a bunch of friends. After yum cha, we were deciding what to do next since it's a weekend and everyone's free. Out of nowhere, one of your friend say he/she says he plans to go home to sleep.

OMG....You planned your naps?

OMG....You actually want to go home to sleep when you already sleep for 10 hours?

OMG....we are planning some outting and you, regardless of what we have planned, simply ignore it because you already have plans to pig at home?

OMG....and you are still not admitting you have a sleeping problem??!?!!?!?


Ok. I have to admit it, me being so anti-excessive sleeping is also due to personal reasons and personal experience. I have a phobia for people who tend to zzz a lot because I have had a very bad experience with an ex who loooooves to sleep and if you ever try to wake him up from a nap, he will be nasty....

I've had experience of making plans to go out with him only to reach his place and watch him sleep away because I can't seem to wake him up.

I've had times when we are in the middle of a date and he realise he's sleepy and wants to go home to sleep. The poor thing me had to stay up and wait for him to wake up to send me home...and I always return home late simply because he cannot wake up and gets nasty when i try to wake him up. And when he does wake up eventually, he gets crazy with himself because he cannot wake up....and gets all frustrated and severe anxiety. There goes our date....

And he pigs so much, he sleeps hours and hours and despite having graduated from Uni for more than a year but still can't get a job...not because he can't find one, but because he sleeps so much he hasn't got the energy and mental power to actually wake up to look for jobs through career sites and newspaper ads. For over a year I had to go through career ads after ads, scan through them, draw up his resume, draw up his cover letter and actually submitting it for him! Only to end up being reprimanded later on when he realise the job I applied is not what he wants or is not what he expects.

And when he finally found a job in sales, he manage to wake up early to go in to the office in the mornings and then, when it's time to go out to hunt for sales opportunity, he actually goes home to sleep!!

Scary isn't it? When it comes to think you might end up like the past me. To me, it's simply too bad experience for me that I don't want to go through anymore and don't even want to take the chance that I might go through that again.....That is why it really gets on my nerve when I come across people who sleeps a lot. Not because I am a crazy woman who have nothing better to do than to nag at you sleeping, nor am I trying to change your lifestyle whatsoever.

It is because I don't want to go through that same old path again. Where I watch my partner's life goes downward as he's unwilling to admit he has hypersomnia while I continously find 101 ways to go upwards. When the gap reaches a too high variance, so will the distance and eventually our relationship, be it friendship or a couple, sours.

REMEMBER.....It's still not to late to admit you suffer from this disease. Because, there are still ways or medication that can cure it....the only obstacle to achieving the treatment is when you yourself chose to ignore it.

And yessss....sleeping is still evil!

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