Whats in Boredom Breaker?

Oh, "Why am I back at blogging" I hear you ask.... I just need a place to get rid of excess time so HERE I AM....blog...blog...blog...about everything from everyday lives, off and on thoughts, silly events happening around, book reviews, movie reviews...basically everything that envelopes around my everyday living!

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Boredom Breaker is now also accessible via AliveNotDead

I have took down posts I wrote about a recent incident at home. If you still wanna have a read, leave me a message and I'll see what I can do....


For the past few days, ever since PR has been approved, I have been walking the streets all day long with a newspaper on one hand & a red marker pen on the other. Whenever I found a place to sit, it would be as if I'm playing tic-tac-toe with the career advertisements in the newspaper....either a big 'O' or a frustrating 'X'. & each time I step outta a building, it's always an indication that it's time to put a big 'X' on the job advertised.

"Nope, not good enough for them...failed...ARGHHHHHH" before marking a BIG 'X' on the papers.

Haha....Just kidding! Fortunately, with the blessings on career websites and email, there's no longer the urgency to repeat those scenario above. Thankful, I should say, for job hunt is now simplied to only browsing through the career sites and employment agencies' website for suitable career opportunities. Once found, click 'APPLY' and attach resume. Simple.....so be thankful.

The unfortunate part is that no matter you are in those conventional job seek period or the current internet browsing period, there is one thing that will always exist regardless, that is....disappointment.

And then you start to get negative responses, or even no response at all. That's when disappointment kicks in. You think your resume is not good enough, you feel your experience is not strong enough, you hate that you are getting old. Trust me, any negative thoughts will come up. You'll start to worry, stress and break down.....

That's a summary of what I feel this entire week. That is why I wasn't exactly all happy and excited when my PR came thru, because I know the next step after would be all this shit crap. PR is only the key to open the door to the world ahead of you......it's the beginning, not the end.

I tell you now....the moment I get a full time job that I want, that would be the time you'll see me jumping up and down.

Lucky enough, I had one hopeful response by the end of this week and at least, this hope will get me through the weekend.

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