Whats in Boredom Breaker?

Oh, "Why am I back at blogging" I hear you ask.... I just need a place to get rid of excess time so HERE I AM....blog...blog...blog...about everything from everyday lives, off and on thoughts, silly events happening around, book reviews, movie reviews...basically everything that envelopes around my everyday living!

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I have took down posts I wrote about a recent incident at home. If you still wanna have a read, leave me a message and I'll see what I can do....



This is the first ever time I am dragging myself to work on a Monday morning.....the first ever Monday Blue I have ever felt since I started working a year plus ago.....

I was having chest pain the whole night....and I constantly thought I am gonna have a heart attack any minute.....

I dragged myself up.....

My back hurts;
My chest still aching;
My nose running;
My throat drying up;
And I am coughing.

Yeah...the aftermath of my Hunters Weekend....

Rooney went totally crazy this morning when I brought him out for a walk. He was just running around me in circles and playing with his buddies, Corby and Zoey. At last, some friends after a traumatic weekend.

Rooney came back to Sydney suffering from a sore eye....Romeo wasn't too happy with him and bit him near the eye area.

Seeing Rooney running around like a mad dog, I know that he's relieved to be back with his buddies.

**More about the trip soon**

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