BLOODY HELL....Cindy won the first season of Malaysian Dreamgirl! That is just soooo wrong! The favourite, Hanis, only manage to get 2nd runner up. What kinda crap is this?!?!!?
If I was at 1Utama for the final....I would have boo-ed kau kau for that and stomp away from the venue before security caught up with me.....no, seriously because I am boycotting the results!
Back to the point, have everyone typed the wrong name when sms-ing to vote? Or, is Cindy dad really sooooo 'powderful' he owned like 20 hps and spend every single minute of his free time sms-ing to vote for her "yin du poh, ma lai poh" daughter?
Can anyone recount what Cindy has done in MDG that isn't worth hating?
First the shoe accident....
Then the fake accent (the toh-may-toes incident)
And who can forget those planning-to-take-over-the-world- phone calls she had with her dad....seriously, they sounded like Dr. Evil discussing some wicked plans on how to take over planet Earth with Mini Me.
And those crocodile tears she shed during the elimination....
Because, anyone with eyes would be able to see who's the worst among the 3 girls in the picture. And people will know who has the better potential.
That's why I said in my last post....MDG should stand for Malaysian Drama Girl....the girl with the most drama wins....
Hence...(with the Paris Hilton tone) "OMG Cindy....you totally score it! It's like, you are so dramatic! I'm like totally happy for you.....totally! And like, you are sooooo lucky to have like such a cool daddy...."
My opinion::

Eat your heart out, Cindy, because you may have won the title but not the recognition from us all!
9 remarks:
yes agreed!:)
Tis true, I truly believe that the dad could have easily hired 20 indonesian workers, gave them a free handphone each, limitless credit just to text in votes for Cindy. She is not deserving of this win. Hanis should have been the winner.
I hope I don't have to see her (Cindy)EVER in the media. Acting in some ah lian drama, or (she hopes!) hostings shows.Thank god I live abroad.
Haha.everyone hates her but not me..I like her confidence. even everyone seems to curse her or anything bad.. But deep down.. She can improve more..and I think she is smart.. come on, Give her a chance..she is the winner. its over now..
Hanis? Poor her, I bet she thought she got it..she is such a baby.. I don't like her attitude..Manja..but then she can go far too..juz be matured lah~
-no 0ffence-
but I like Eyna more =D
Apparently Cindy's family put in 15k worth of votes...so, no wonder lar. Poor Dr. Evil and family must have been holding their mobiles and voting 24/7. Bloody No lifers....Cindy is just lucky to have supportive family. I hope she realise she won only because of her sole family support!
chilli - thank God i live overseas too....I will not get to see her Newman magazine cover spread....
Can u believe it? A while ago, ever since she joined MDG and was bombarded by evil comments, entry to her blog was subjected to invitations only...
And now, she has reopened it back for everyone!
I don't think she can get further in her modeling career lah. Nobody likes to work with snobbish fussy girls. I think, most photographers will not dare to work with her for the fear of being sued if something goes wrong! lol.
Hey anonymous (who also goes by the nick Gab when copy pasting this same comment on KinkyBlueFairy's blog)
Cindy brought all the bitching onto herself. If she had beauty, poise and could catwalk well, her other sins would have been easier to forgive. But sadly she had none of those.
If beauty could be divided into castes, Cindy would be lower-middle class, and I'm being kind and charitable here. No offence!
Cheers Kayla...hahahahah....I TOTALLY agree!!!
passer-by here.. the dr evil and mini me version of cindy and her dad that you did is absolutely fantastic! hahaha made me laugh like hell. portrays them so perfectly. this picture should go up on her blog lah
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