Whats in Boredom Breaker?

Oh, "Why am I back at blogging" I hear you ask.... I just need a place to get rid of excess time so HERE I AM....blog...blog...blog...about everything from everyday lives, off and on thoughts, silly events happening around, book reviews, movie reviews...basically everything that envelopes around my everyday living!

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Boredom Breaker is now also accessible via AliveNotDead

I have took down posts I wrote about a recent incident at home. If you still wanna have a read, leave me a message and I'll see what I can do....

Having Faith in My Lambchops?

Chop Chopsss.....

Or Faith.....

They are totally adorable and beyond comparison! However, as in the economics studies, its all about using our scarce resources to fulfill our unlimited wants. So, there is only one way....to choose either one! I've had a sneak peek on Choppers and she's adorable! Not in her most fabulous coat, but her personality shines through all her weakness. And she weighs a mere 3.0 kgs! Vibrant and energetic, this tiny Chop Chop will keep us all entertained for hours. She likes to play, gets along with Roo and most importantly she loves to cuddle up on your lap as well! I had so much fun visiting her last Sunday that I spent 1 and a half hours just watching them play!
On the other hand, I woke up this morning to find lovely Faith! So cute, so adorable I could almost grab her into my arms and squeeze her up! Need to call the rescuer....need to get to know her more!
Oooo...both are soooo adorable! What am I gonna do....!?!?!?!?

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