This is Ms. Coco or Coconut as I call her because she is NUTS (or becoz she drives me NUTS!)

Yes I knowwww.....she is cute....adorable and TINY.....that is, when she does not poo under my study table or pee on my carpet. And all these occasions aren't classified as 'accidents' anymore, but purely an 'act', an act to get attention or simply to show she's the boss against the Almighty Rooney.
I have looong put up an ignorant face and try to 'close one eye, open one eye'. But last night was the worst timing and combination....a true recipe for disaster.

She peed on the carpet, at a hard-to-ignore spot, as if to tell us straight on our face, "Take that, jackasses! That's for your ignorance to the power almighty Queen Lambchop possesses ".

The disaster took place....Some spanking was unpreventable but it was not the smacking that spells D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R, it's the will power we both had inside to continue tolerating this ill-behaviour. That was the first time we both had reach an unanimous decision to not continue with the adoption.
Perhaps our apartment environment is a hell for any new pet to adjust itself. Maybe our style doesn't fit in. Perhaps in this whole wide world, only Rooney will understand.
Sorry Rooney, your friend's chances are going slimmer by the day.....

Meanwhile, we'll miss this....

1 remarks:
Chops or coco-nuts does like cute. Why don u just crate them out of the carpeted area?
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